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Indigenous Land stewardship roundup

Writer's picture: Aboriginal OutfittersAboriginal Outfitters

Any time we read about people of color striving towards taking care of Mother Earth we get excited. Here are a few exciting reads that have come across our desks lately!

Environmental Racism: A Story of Colonization and Ecocide

RAVEN is once again teaming up with Stop Ecocide Canada to host a new webinar, Environmental Racism: A Story of Colonization and Ecocide. Tune in to hear stories from the frontlines, centered on environmental racism and the links to ongoing colonialism, ecocide, and the mass destruction of nature.

Wednesday, January 26 at 4pm PST With presentations by: Chief Roland Willson, Chrissy Issacs, Bianca Mugyenyi, and moderated by Suzanne Dhaliwal Register:

Person wearing a Native Blanket with intricate tribal design
Photo Sourced from RAVEN Trust Facebook Page. Photo Credit: Michael Toledano

As they shared in their newsletter:

Harmful industrial practices have contributed to decades of long-term environmental damage, the impacts of which can be seen daily around the globe. Stop Ecocide International aims to make ecocide an international crime, and according to their website this would make “individuals who are responsible for acts or decisions that lead to severe environmental harm liable to criminal prosecution.” This means holding industry and corporations accountable for environmental destruction including ocean damage, air pollution, deforestation, and land and water contamination. We are at a point in a global climate crisis that cannot be undone by household recycling and green cleaning supplies. Indigenous leaders and climate activists around the world are leading the movement to stop corporations and other entities that engage in ecocide.

Right now West Moberly First Nations are standing up to the Site C Dam on their territory and Grassy Narrows is dealing with mercury contamination of their land and water. Both are examples of ecocide that have deep and long term environmental consequences. Join us next Wednesday to learn more from leaders on the frontlines."

Aboriginal Outfitters is inspired by and thankful for this work. LEARN MORE ABOUT RAVEN'S WORK TO STOP THE SITE C DAM.

Did you miss their webinar on "Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Action: Community Solutions"? Check it out below!


Indigenous Climate Action is another group making waves and uplifting Indigenous Youth involved in climate action!

According to their website, "ICA is committed to lifting up young Indigenous Peoples who are doing the hard work of climate justice organizing and engaging with frontlines that oppose extractive industries in order to protect our homelands / Mother Earth. At the same time we recognize the toll this often takes on our bodies and spirits as Indigenous peoples, while we continue to face a variety of systemic barriers.

This $250 honorarium is intended to help relieve some of the financial stress that can often be a barrier to seeking help in maintaining a healthy balance when doing organizing work. This program is designed to be as accessible as possible, and there are many ways this grant can be utilized." Check out the link above to learn more.


How Communities Of Color Are Hurt Most By Climate Change

This recent Forbes Article discusses the systemic racism involved in the fight for climate justice. Aboriginal Outfitters is keenly aware of the injustices that face people of color in our own backyard while trying to bring awareness to issues like the Enloe Dam, water rights on the Columbia River, and treaties that were never honored. The article speaks out about how Early Climate Resiliency Efforts Leave out Communities of Color and that resources aren't distributed equally.

When was the last time you took a drive through the Colville Indian Reservation and really looked at the devastation from the past several years of wildfires, where the HUD houses are located, and the quality of living in general? How is it that out of all of the areas with massive "natural resources" are all inhabited by one type of people that doesn't include any Indigenous faces?

These are all things that we ponder and encourage you to join us on the quest to find answers, find justice, and help bring sustainable change to the people and to the land.

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